Saturday, November 28, 2009
Acrostic Poem Forgiveness
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Bipolar Disorder Statistics
No, non è il titolo di una canzone, ma il nuovo capolavoro della Vada.
C'era una volta, nel paese delle bocce quadre, un assessore delle piccole cose... che aggiustava tutto, pure i rapporti coniugali...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Wizard Of Oz Birthday Cake Quotes
Per festeggiare il (forse, non ho fatto il conto) 400° post pubblico un video scovato nell'archivio delle Iene:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
How Much Compensation For A Sprained Back
...L'inizio è stato così ...

...Quindi ho pensato bene d'iniziare a fare un po' di pra tica colorando qualcosa trovato in rete ...

...E poi, una volta acquisita un po' più di manualità, qualcosa di mio - tra l'altro già seen on these screens ...

... So finally, I and my new Wacom we have achieved in full - designs and colors - stuff ...

... What do you think ?!...
How Old Do You Have To Be To Work At Most Stores
Mi sa che in questo periodo alcuni cervelli (Brains?) Drawing on holiday. They're churning out a bbbufala (Salvo Ficarra would say) after the other ... Thanks to the blog Attivissimo , which sometimes we ask for twinning, it was found that the "UFO" was nothing but a piece of toilet paper attached to a window with the saliva (!) But the funny thing is then SA has broadcast a remedial service but said that we should be wary of hoaxes. U.S.?? Who is making (mis) information pseudogiornalisti us or you?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Headscissors Art Comix
pure propaganda. Since Topo Gigio was not enough, now even Santa Christmas invites all children to be vaccinated. I have no words ... HO HO HO!
Friday, November 13, 2009
How To Deal With An Aneurysm
No guys, I can not comment on today's edition of 0:30 ... the apotheosis of the trash: it lacked the comment Gialappa's Band and appeared in an episode of Mai dire TV! From the Great
teletubbies Bordello, the winner of the "Orzobimbo Year", going to this absolute masterpiece of Silvia Vada. Go to the kindness that speaks of the day. Saying that it is just an oxymoron. As a tick is attached to the poor through Turin asking questions and almost meaningless unfortunately was not put under to that lady in the car. Oscar-winning girl who sent her to fuck off, even though it was certainly induced by the sadistic Vada. But the day of kindness who has created? Mayor Quimby of Springfield?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vibrator After Brazilian Wax
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Guitar Pro Export As Mp3
Monday, November 9, 2009
Boat Trailer Coloring Pages
What a piece of journalism! What a great question! Amazingly, the TG5 aired a report about this! I look forward to the next news of Parini: figurines Parini with all the students!
Ps sorry for the delay but I had problems with uploading the video to Blogger.