Wednesday, September 29, 2010

'floor Wiper' Exercise

UBUNTU ..... ....... Free and open source

Please note UBUNTU OPERATING SYSTEM FREE OPEN SOURCE AND be clear for people like me use it on an intuitive level it is a beauty !!!!!!
Hear what the word means:
Ubuntu takes its name from an ancient African word meaning humanity to others or I am what I am thanks to what we are all . The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world
Use it, test it in other words, do not miss the chance you'll love it!
Ubuntu is a free software operating system based on GNU / Linux It combines the stability, security e facilità di utilizzo. È perfetto per computer portatili, desktop e server e fornisce applicazioni adatte ad ogni esigenza, per l'uso in casa, a scuola o a lavoro.
Ubuntu è, e sarà sempre, libero e completamente gratuito . Non dovrete mai pagare alcun costo di licenza. Scaricate Ubuntu, usatelo e condividetelo con i vostri amici, familiari o colleghi di lavoro.

Edizioni regolari

Il team di Ubuntu rilascia una nuova versione ogni 6 mesi , in edizione desktop e server . Questo significa che avrete sempre il software più innovativo che il mondo open source ha da offrire!

Massima sicurezza

Ubuntu è stato progettato per essere sicuro al 100% . Gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza sono garantiti per almeno 18 mesi, che nelle versioni con supporto a lungo termine (LTS) diventano 3 anni per l'edizione desktop e 5 per quella server.

Installazione semplice e veloce

Tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno è contenuto in un solo CD , che grazie alla semplice installazione grafica vi permetterà di avere un ambiente di lavoro completo in appena 25 minuti ! Se non bastasse, oltre 20000 pacchetti software sono disponibili via internet, alla portata di un "clic"!

Pronto all'uso  

Immediately after installing your system will be ready for use immediately !

edition desktop you will find a complete set of office applications, surfing the Internet and managing e-mail, graphics and entertainment!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Master Lock Combinations Finder

....... HOME FOR CHILDREN ........... DO IT YOURSELF .....

enthusiasm Taken together with the children, we designed a multi-storey house in order to play quietly .... A
the project has also helped Franco grandfather that has provided equipment and experience and any problems incurred over time, here's the pieces we built and painted ...

first step to obtain the material for the construction, pieces of plywood, glue, tempera e. ..... enthusiasm and good will.
Here are the piece of plywood "base" that we need.

Subsequently, this dimension of square cut out the various ..... that will form the first, second floor and attic.
This is the central plane (notice the cut in the middle that allows you to enter the walls).

walls have a special shape and fit together here they

these have already been stained and painted but the form it should have is this!!

Ed ora il tetto......................

Dopo averle dipinte, aspettato l'asciugatura e rifinite si passa al montaggio ecco alcune fasi

piano terra e primo piano

         primo piano con scale a chiocciola


We have a lot of fun to build, idearla and involve various relatives, plus we play with great pleasure and attention, thinking that there was also work to build it.
Safe journey to all. Pre

info: lascintilla.saluzzo @ or Center Families Saluzzo.
Reproduction of the photos is reserved
Soon we will also of course the furniture produced from recycled material ...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Problems Joint Revocable Trust


So we were in the warmth of the Caribbean ship of Captain Jack Sparrow on the floor when we saw a strange sheet ....................
Finally a map ........ The
shouted with genuine curiosity and we opened on it was written a recipe!! Taken
enthusiasm we have followed this magic formula walking ...... Finally, a new experiment a new potion worthy of the best Harry Potter ...... Here is the recipe

10 kg of tomatoes
10 cloves 2 bay leaves

10 chillies
200 cc of vinegar
400 grams of sugar
a handful of salt

Wash tomatoes, cut into small pieces add the red pepper, cook in a large pan, removing the excess water.
When the tomatoes begin to discard wipe them with the vending machine.
add vinegar, bay leaves, sugar and salt to boil mixing everything.

The hot sauce is ready to pot and once Cooling to sterilize the jars by boiling for 20 minutes ....
soon and good journey to all.

We look forward to the feast of families September 25 in Melle!

There are many people unhappy but does not take the initiative to change their situation because it is conditioned by security, from conformity, from the traditional, all of which seem to ensure peace of mind, but in reality for the adventurous spirit of a man there is nothing more devastating to a secure future. The real core of the vital spirit of a person is passion for adventure. The joy of living comes from the encounter with new experiences, and so there is no greater joy of having a constantly changing horizon of being every day under a new and different sun - " Christopher McCandless "

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gisele Bundchen Weight Height


Please note Saturday, September 25, 2010 in Melle event Families Without Borders with the following schedule:
meeting at 15:00
15:30 to 18:00 hours laboratories of the table decorations I cooked by the chef Luke 6:00 p.m. to 19:30 hours
screen projections on the family associations organized by Fabio Schiavone moment of reading for young and old by Romina Panero.
hours 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dinner for all participants
8:30 p.m. to 22:00 hours dances Occitan
It 'provides a transport service by bus (€ 5 contribution per family) by appointment at: Christian Solidarity Consortium Monviso Bertaina tel: 0172/698611 or formazione.fos

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Toothpaste For Halitosis

Synergic the Garden - the contemporary peasant

isegnare Nobody wants anything, no one said to be the best, but look and listen .... we need to understand nature. Let her work in silence respecting the rhythms ...

We suggest that this poem read it till the end ... each of us is indispensable ...

A man who cultivates his garden, as Voltaire wished.
Who is happy that the music exists on earth.
who discovers with pleasure etymology.
Two employees at a cafe in silence on the South play chess.
The ceramist who perceives a color and shape. The printer that makes good
this page you may not like. A woman
e un uomo che leggono le terzine finali di un certo canto.
Chi accarezza un animale addormentato.
Chi giustifica o vuole giustificare un male che gli hanno fatto.
Chi è contento che sulla terra ci sia Stevenson.
Chi preferisce che abbiano ragione gli altri.
Tali persone, che si ignorano, stanno salvando il mondo.

                                                                                           Jorge Luis Borges
Good life to all ...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Was Montag And Faber's Plan A Good Plan


E''can now abandon urban life, embrace a life without comfort, accept the uncertainty, heat, cold, meeting with thousands of forgotten crafts of human survival, including vegetation, domestic and wild animals? ..

A book, a diary with the subtitle: The Diary of Pratale stories of a different life ..
Exciting and tender, each page is about real life, experience and respect for others and for nature. Each page brings with it love for the things that surround us. Each page is a joy for what is created. Must read to understand the novelty it brings with him this book, we must meditate breathe emotion that transmits to understand it.
speaks of the joy of friendship and hospitality business, talks about animals and love, tells of hard times and moments of joy, in fact speaks of life lived.
I think the thing is now required to take steps back. Learning to live with nature, and learn to like getting to listen to those who have more experience, accept others for what it is, love him in his faults and at the same time give us comfort from the love of others.
So what are you waiting? Look at the library, fatevelo borrowed from a friend, do not miss this experience you will be positively affected.
; ;
                                                                         Etain Addey a quiet joy edition Ellin Sela

Here is a poem by Wendell Berry farmer .... crazy ... good way

farmer's crazy

Love also gain easy
the annual increase in salary, paid holidays. Ask
more things prefabricated
afraid to know your neighbors and to die.
When you want to buy something
will call you.
When you want to kill for profit, they will know you

But you, my friend,
every day doing something that does not can be measured.
Love life. He loves the earth.
Count on what you have and remain poor.
loves those who do not deserve it.
Do not trust the government, any government.
It embraces human beings:
in your relationship with each of them place your political hope.

Approve the kind that do not understand,
because what man does not understand has not destroyed.
You did not answer those questions.
Invest in the millennium ... plant sequoias. Support
that your main crop is the forest that you did not sow, and that you will not live
to collect.
Place your confidence in the two inches of humus
that grow under the trees every thousand years.

As long as the woman does not have much power,
you listen to women more than men.

Ask yourself if what you do will meet the woman who is happy to have a baby. Ask yourself if what you do

disturb the sleep of a woman close to giving birth.
Go with your love in the fields.
remarried shade.

When you see that the generals and politicians
able to predict the movement of your thought,
abandon it.
Leave it as a sign of the red herring, what
you have not taken.
Do as the fox, which leaves many more tracks than necessary,
different in the wrong direction.
Practice resurrection.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Supersonic Portable Tv Review

we announce the 10 11 September 12, 2010 in Saluzzo INITIATIVE: FOUR STEPS TOGETHER below the program ..... good way at all.


Volunteering is an important force of social networks of support. The difficulty for volunteers is to acquire a broader view and to confront those who live the same difficulties. This exchange is designed to work together to promote activities and network cooperation to improve the capacity for initiative of associations and to propose effective solutions, developed and supported "the practice of volunteering." in addition to French associations with which the project is underway for interregional cooperation and associations operating in the area of \u200b\u200bItalian consortium will participate in the days of the trade association Emilian "paths of peace" based in Casalecchio which was made available to carry the witness of his work these three days and that will animate a few moments with folk dancing and street entertainment.

Friday 10/09/2010 21:00 PM
encounter of the voluntary associations of the territory of Saluzzo Fossano Savigliano and territory of the French partners of the president of the Emilia Queyras "paths of peace," Mr. Maurizio Sgarzi. the meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Consortium Monviso Solidale di Saluzzo Via vittime di Brescia 3 primo piano.

Sabato 11/09/2010  
Ore 14:00 Ritrovo delle associazioni italiane e francesi davanti al castello dei Marchesi (la Castiglia) per la visita alla città di Saluzzo;
Ore 16:00 Animazione di strada con danze popolari a Saluzzo in piazza Vineis e zona pedonale adiacente a cura dell'Associazione "percorsi di pace";
Ore 21:00 Concerto del coro "Cento Passi" presso la confraternita Croce Nera di Saluzzo piazzetta San Nicola.

Domenica 12/09/2010

10:00 am Luncheon and food trade in the green area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Manta,
lunch between 12:00 pm Voluntary Associations;
15:00 pm Conclusion of the event