Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Are Movie Costs In Brampton

sister projects


Those interested must be registered in Admission is free meetings are at the heart of families saluzzo !!

Until next time, good life!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Difference Between Shingles And Impetigo?


any of you ever heard of BioRegional? If the answer is no, do not be surprised because it is the most common. I discovered by accident. But do not worry, if you're interested, you will find a lot friends willing to help write and speak for nothing more than a little time.
Currently greetings to Joseph and Renato Flavio little big dreamers.
Here's a hint on the assumption Bioregionalism ...

"One of the most appropriate ways to address issues of multiculturalism, the idea of \u200b\u200bmulti-ethnicity is Bioregionalism. Bioregionalism is a understanding of our life. E 'style in dealing with others and the environment in which we live. For us, today, is to live here in our small area with the eyes, mind and heart open to the planet earth, indeed the entire cosmos. To speak of this qaundo Bioregionalism we head into the idea of \u200b\u200ba cosmopolitan localism. Bioregionalism is not federalism and regionalism even less. It 's something more. That's organic food is the most recognize the value of life, universal everywhere, from every area of \u200b\u200bour small planet.
The bioregion is:
  • a reality, a place where they live and there are people, each playing its part together with others, with awareness. And people express themselves with the traditions, rituals, art, lifestyles, cultural productions, the costumes. And 'what I would call the ethnic perspective.

  • the environment for thousands of years have lived with components of animal, vegetable and mineral. E 'in other words, the ecological component.

  • a territory, that is a mountain range, a valley with its specific characteristics, a reservoir created by a river. And 'what we call the geographical point of view.

  • a speech, used by the living, handed down from generation to generation, enriched by new idioms, studied and formalized in the alphabet and grammar. And 'what I would call socio-linguistic perspective.

When men, aggregated community live in harmony with each other, creating situations of mutual balance, we find ourselves in an optical Bioregionalism.
Bioregionalism means "natives become again", to find the dignity to focus on core values \u200b\u200bof our life as solidarity, semploicità, mutual support, the art of play, the deep respect of those realities di cui siamo . "
Spero che queste poche righe vi portino un pò di felicità e speranza come hanno fatto con me.
BUONA VITA A TUTTI  e alla prossima.

Se vi interessa saperne di più potete leggere :
La pratica del selvatico di Gary snyder edizione FioriGialli.
Una gioia silenziosa of Etain Addey (book already reported in a previous post) edition Ellin Sela.
to the earth by G. Moretti edition Ellin Sela.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cellular Respiration Lab Fish


VI pointed out:

WEDNESDAY 'February 23, 2011
From 18.30
the "ETNO BAZAAR CAFE'" invites you to



Esposizione dei manufatti tessili delle donne immigrate del “Progetto Penelope” del Comune di Saluzzo.

Il progetto porta avanti da quattro anni un’idea di integrazione al femminile che, passando attraverso diverse culture, sperimenta nuovi linguaggi comuni che prendono forma grazie al telaio a mano.
Lo scopo della serata è quello di far conoscere il lavoro svolto dal progetto, potendo ammirare, o se si vuole, acquistare i prodotti.
Ma soprattutto sarà l’occasione per vedere cosa sono riuscite a fare le donne di Penelope con il “tessuto” office of Our Town!
On this occasion the women of the project will provide their knowledge in the kitchen, offers tasty dishes from their traditions to accompany drinks Bazar. ; ; ;

Bazar Etno Café and Penelope Project