Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where Can I Buy A Tech Deck In Calgary

Waiting for New Year...

design dating back a few weeks ago, mirroring the mood of those days, but that is perfectly suited to the course to be expected for the upcoming New Year - as well as the title of the blog ... !

... Anyone who knows me knows that, of these recent times, m'è was little left to complain, but my hunger for quotes, however, requires me to close this chapter as it would the character of where my alter ego comics has now become a parody ...! So ...

"Happy Fuckin' New Year!"

Auguri a tutti voi (così poi non dite che non mi son preso la briga di mandarvi un messaggino o di lasciarveli in bacheca su Féisbuk !) e - spero - a presto... Bye...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 Shift Differential Pay In California

way for the return and bully moralists

Open Studio, after all we know, is always in the forefront when it comes to pups born in the zoo, cats, singing on Youtube fart or canaries etc. .. Consistency of Open Studio in defending their battles is phenomenal. The fool now in Cortina went to "interview" the women you see furred that does not follow the guidelines of the editorial staff. And 'this is from Christmas to Cortina. A do? Fucking. The title of today's service "on the snow with style". Is block! that scoop. Pulitzer now. E '5-day that this goes around Cortina to say two words to passersby and those who obviously respond in monosyllables. Mother of God
But we move to Belen. A mainstay of the lineup of SA, a milestone in writing, a bit 'like Bellucci, Bruno, Knut, Corona and Youporn. Hailed a woman who is earning money (advertising, book covers, mouthpieces) just because the bitch is on TV. Beautiful young model. But look a bit '... these things you would expect to be very true or Cucuzza, not a "TG". Oh well ... ... sorry but it's Open Studio

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Play Pokemon Diamond Online On Emulator


And here we go again. Miss genius 2009. Miss I studied a lot before becoming a journalist. Miss I should know before you say shit. All this because? Why back "the day of punch." Wonderful. What a beautiful watch Studio Open in the holidays. It was a bit 'not looking, and that I wrote with anger from the depths.
And while we are, beautiful service yesterday with the stranger who chases the Milanese journalist who jog through the park. But you've got nothing to do?? You are the usual bunch of idiots who do not know what the fuck to air and then you wake up and go around in Milan at random. Merde. Smoking.
I'm back.

EDIT by gigi90
movie of 2008

movie of 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flight Simulator X Identification Number


Carry the entire comment by Lady in the previous post because it's really worth:

E 'now di pranzo che mi ripeto: "No, non può essere". La perla di oggi si situa appena sotto a quella sul Boxing Day (che, come tutti sanno, è il giorno in cui si fa a botte per aggiudicarsi gli articoli in saldo).
Servizio sul GELICIDIO, parola che indica la pioggia che gela appena tocca terra. Attenti, tenetevi forte che trascrivo letteralmente: "... Non è certo un caso se la parola termina come 'omicidio' e 'genocidio' col suffisso '-cidio' DAL LATINO 'UCCIDERE'".
Ora, non pretendo mica che tutti i giornalisti abbiano studiato un minimo sindacale di latino. Però magari scomodarsi a fare una piccola ricerca etimologica prima di avventurarsi in ca.ate del genere...

for use and consumption of those who unfortunately have to define real braying donkeys: the suffix "-cide" is not from the Latin word "murder" simply because the word "kill" in Latin
there (who would have thought, eh? yet sounded like Latin!).
is, for the word "gelicidio" from the Latin verb "to fall" (with an emphasis on "a"), while the words "murder" and "genocide" comes from the Latin verb "CAED, with emphasis on the" ae ".
would be enough, unless you have studied Latin, to make a simple ride on an Italian dictionary, for example from which I copy and paste the etymology of "gelicidio"
From lat. gelicidi ° u (m), comp. GE ° lu 'freeze' and CIDI-° um, falling from first king 'fall'
And so I also put up a good service for tomorrow, on "Gelicidio: this word could be misleading because it looks like 'murder 'but we are sure that the etymology is that? No, and now ... we will explain what all of our flour sack eh. "

Seriously: give biased news I can understand (holding my nose), to non-news even I can understand this (still holding my nose), but to give information clearly and ingiustifcabilmente wrong just because we invented a few dances from scratch and does not want to do a minimal check ... this no, nasty cow!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Prepared Mango Chutney

Open by Holidays ... FERNANDA

Isidore to wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas ...
offers you "Big laughs and" together with Gianluca Giugliarelli.
An hour and a half of entertainment, enjoy our specialties.
price of the evening: € 30.00
polenta appetizer pasticciata ai funghi con affettati mistii
Assaggini di pasta: risotto mantecato con radicchio e vino rosso
............................penne saltate con ragù di lepre in salmì
Spiedini di abbacchio e salciccia con broccoli gratinati
Gradita la prenotazione

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1994 Camry Lights Stay On


Incredible: Barley baby comes out against Marco Travaglio just because he said "Embee.
For once Labor had a serious talk ... and no. Orzobimbo was for force to drop the Lego castle. Of course, easy to criticize extracting sentences out of context and change in their favor ... It is not manipulation, noooo! It reminds me a bit of a Simpsons episode where Homer's words in a sentence (which was condemned by the TV for molesting a woman) were reassembled in a different order to make him look guilty.
Here is the proof of manipulation:

St.catharines To Get Bikini Wax

The attack on the Pope's bullshit

Sorry to say but I want mine on this matter.
First I state that I am against violence, this "attack" is completely wrong and unfair. But it is also true that Berlusconi is that if he tries to stands and statuettes. That is, after 15 years that has done nothing but: do not insult those who think like him labeling them as communists, shouting "shame shame" in a speech, saying that those who do not vote is an idiot ... if one must wait for some crazy sooner or later kill him. Come on guys, how many times have we said or thought "to smash your face in Jordan and Go"? But we never did it because we are of sound mind and prefer the Internet (or "sabotage" Live!) Although Jordan, like Berlusconi, does nothing but insult with his pseudo-news anyone different from him as thinking (Do not forget the services against Saviano and Eco and against vvu cumprà and Romanians). And not surprisingly, he runs with the stock. There seems normal that a mere journalist is escorted by 4-5 men?
last thing: I find it unworthy of all these pro-government news screaming attack. Why is a figurine to the President pulled all this "media chaos", and the police charge to students who show nothing is said?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jordan Minnesota Motorcycle Junkyard


Sorry if it's been so long since I update my blog but my time is very little available. Today was the
Go to force me to go back to writing. Like every Christmas, Vadafanculo back to make its services with a lot of stupid sentence truncated by the end of which I can not see the point. Two
shameful facts:
1) If you hear loud you'll find that the answers are suggested by the child Go;
2) the news later.

Ps last weekend I went to the Feltrinelli and I saw people queuing up to buy this book ... there is no religion ...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Is Survived Ovarian Cancer


Cara Fernanda!

Sono Domingo (Domenico), spagnolo che ho stato la settimana scorsa alla Hostaria, mangiando e felice della tua gentilezza.

still ongoing with the holiday, next week I go to Seville to find my friends.

Seville is also a very beautiful city, like where I'm at my house.

Look back soon to Rome, where are the happiest man in the world.

I'm half Italian, I can not live without Rome.

I must tell you that the Roman women are beautiful, elegant, are enamored of your beauty and your language.


A hug


Forza Italy!

Hasta las ovejas
Siete its expert in Windows 7. Conócelas ¡!