As we all know, advertising is the soul of commerce and the disco, department store wholesale fun, certainly does not escape this rule. But in addition to the printed press, radio, TV and all other traditional media, dance halls can rely on a system of diffusion of the whole Exclusive: This is PR, likeable character and charisma tested nightly by phone hot. Its task is, in short, to distribute tickets on a widespread advertising of the club, but focused, their methods provided by the local target. So much for the theory, but as in all professions are no tricks, tactics, and above all hierarchies that differ radically different subspecies of PR
- the lowest rung of the hierarchy we find the humble pavement Pierre, who spends half of his nights stamp the tickets and the other half to trim the young people passing through, it often rid a few meters. Recruited from small clubs summer, these propaganda workers often perform their job in exchange for simple free admission, but can say with pride to friends (and without fear of contradiction): "You know, I do the PR."
- Going up a step, then we find the public relations full time professionals with a good but not yet mobile, is acting for discos open all year but not exactly on top. In this case, the valuable work often ends in careless placement of large bunches of tickets in pubs, gyms and shops: the person in question begins to receive a fee, often related to so-called "fall" or, more rarely, in proportion to the collection . From this level to take up the PR name battlefield, often exotic, sometimes evocative, in some cases absolutely idiotic.
- The breakthrough takes place in the third level, where there is the ineffable men-image: the class rooms of the club further, and proportionally decreases the amount of tickets available. Tone and style are starting to become essential, even if the outfits shocking pink or pastel green color on the preferences must be doubted. In this case the distribution of valuable cards is nominal, it is often necessary to book early or attend the strategic places where we know that sooner or later "he" will pass. Man, the Image also available lists, elitist system input recommended filled mostly with female names. Obviously nonmalignant on priority criteria adopted by the subject to compile that list.
One might suppose that the hierarchy of the PR end here: there is instead a higher level, said Gotha or Valhalla, where the Public Relations Man frees himself from his human essence to take the esoteric. Paid handsomely by the most "in" in Rimini and Riccione Alta High, appears to be more famous Pub in the heavenly vision of the Coast, as expected a Messiah by throngs of the faithful, who in exchange for a place on the list would be beheaded. The smaller they make their entrance on carriages drawn by two white stallion quadrille, but there are some who, as we vedere nel disegno, preferisce l'apparizione miracolosa con seguito di putti e cherubini. Questo tipo di P.R. ha carta bianca nel suo operato: può cambiare il nome del locale, se ha voglia può licenziarne il propietario e non di rado lo si ritrova all'ingresso della discoteca, pronto a giudicare, novello Minosse, chi è degno di frequentarla e chi no.
In ogni caso se stai leggendo questo blog è perchè io PR sto cercando di pubblicizzarlo :)
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