...Tempo fa, giù alla Scuola di Comix, si è tenuto una sorta di contest al fine di selezionare una serie d'illustrazioni di noi alunni per un calendario...
... The theme? The legendary 80's! ...
... Now our heads nerdacchione and - where appropriate - Rockett began to boil as a cauldron trabordante familiar icons of ... The Ghostbuster and Pac Man, the Neverending Story and the disco music, the X-Men Jim Lee and the Game Boy; V for Vendetta and the Queen, the Black Spider-Man and Iron Maiden McFarlane ...
In particular, the last of the above-mentioned pairs seemed to me - even for obvious sentimental reasons - what more could work ...

fact is that my work there was no evidence, I can only then that the possibility of at least post it here ... It will not be the same satisfaction, but heck! This "Spidey Up the Irons" in my opinion does not deserve to end up in oblivion!
(Well, more than forty years that shoots webs ... And so we had never noticed that the mild-mannered Peter Parker was actually a damn Metalhead ...!)
Ps. The two sketches refer to two different stages of completion; that was the first color, the more purely conceptual, whereas the black'n'white represents the final, for any digital coloring .. . Still not decide which of them has a higher yield ...
But the drawings do not end there! In fact, here in the post below, here ...
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