good, poor, already a couple of months you are in fact bending over backwards, that is since he is the unwholesome idea which occurred to propose a collaboration to Lancaster 2009 - something you will probably already sorry! - And decided to keep up with the crazy story (for now, no details!) That I proposed and drama ...!!!
The work itself, and its pre-production, were soon proved by no means uncomplicated, but despite this, my staff has already ugly baked good results - in being able to give me visual representations that have grasped the spirit of my twisted ideas, and sometimes even to give them an even greater yield, which is perhaps just as worrying is what reveals the nature of this appears in my drawer! - Despite the various personal adventures have involved these days ...!!
stantibus puzzle, I felt so compelled to pay homage to - the verb, given the appreciation shown, I can use without fear! - My partner this novice, the only way I know ... Dedicating a table!
The result you see above is the result of my decision and comes from an old idea long been sleeping in notebook, after a series of similar situations - though not really so barbaric! - really happened had inspired me!
time quisquille investigate some techniques and find a reason to pay homage to my friend (because I'm insensitive - come del resto si evince dalla gag ! - e quindi non l'avrei mai potuto fare in maniera gratuita!) e finalmente mi sono deciso a realizzare il definitivo! Il risultato per ora pare sia piaciuto, al diretto interessato e non solo!
E visto che anch'io ne sono soddisfatto, e che l'opera è già apparsa qui , mi pareva giusto postarla anche nel blog di me che ne son l'autore, inventandomi così l'occasione per mostrare per la prima volta in queste pagine un esempio completo della mia concezione di fumetto e del perchè faccio quello che faccio...!
Detto questo, un salutone a Lex e a tutti quanti gli altri passino di qui!
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