Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can Ifind Research On Sharks


I leave an idea, a thought that becomes more and more current, which invites us to change style of life, to improve relations between people and ourselves to integrate more with nature.
I am increasingly convinced that we need change and will not be easy to get to this point.
Ivan Illich in the reconstruction of fellowship, that I invite you to read, saying "the man will regain the joy of sobriety and austerity liberating relearn to live together, to depend on the initiative of the other who knows, rather than being slave energy and all-powerful bureaucracy. " So
to begin?

One suggestion is given to us by the movement decrease it speaks of regola delle 8 R che sono: rivalutare, ricontestualizzare, ristrutturare, rilocalizzare, ridistribuire, ridurre, riutilizzare, riciclare. Tutte insieme possono portare, nel tempo, ad una decrescita serena, conviviale e pacifica.

RIVALUTARE : Rivedere i valori in cui crediamo e in base ai quali organizziamo la nostra vita,cambiando quelli che devono esser cambiati.
L’altruismo dovrà prevalere sull’egoismo, la cooperazione sulla concorrenza, il piacere del tempo libero sull’ossessione del lavoro, la cura della vita sociale sul consumo illimitato, il locale sul globale, il bello sull’efficiente, il ragionevole sul razionale. Questa rivalutazione deve poter superare l’immaginario in which we live, the values \u200b\u200bof which are systemic, ie they are aroused and stimulated by the system, which in turn contribute to strengthening.
recontextualize : Modify the conceptual and emotional context of a situation, or point of view that it and lived, so by completely changing its meaning. This change is necessary, for example, the concepts of wealth and poverty is even more urgent to scarcity and abundance, the "diabolical couple" founder of the imaginary or loss. The current economy, in fact, transforms the natural abundance in scarcity, artificially creating shortages and need through the appropriation of nature and its commercialization.
RESTORE : Adjust according to the changing values \u200b\u200band economic structures of production, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. How much longer will this radical restructuring, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
relocalization : Eat mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be reduced to a minimum, avoiding the costs of transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
REDISTRIBUTE : Make sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfactory job and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "give more".
REDUCE : Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, personal hygiene, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
REUSE: Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, functional to the society of consumption, obsolescence of
objects and the continuous "power to the new."
RECYCLE : Recover tutti gli scarti non decomponibili derivanti dalle nostre attività.
                                                                     Autore: Serge Latouche
Certo non sarà facile ma penso che sia indispensabile per noi e per i nostri figli.
Allora cosa possiamo fare? Iniziamo dalle cose piccole. Facciamo piccoli sforzi quotidiani migliorando la nostra vita. A natale rinunciamo a qualcosa per stare con gli altri, per riscoprire il vero dono dell'essere presenti e attenti al prossimo, non avremo il telefono nuovo, ma saremo sicuramente più felici.
Buon cammino a tutti.


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