Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Is Survived Ovarian Cancer


Cara Fernanda!

Sono Domingo (Domenico), spagnolo che ho stato la settimana scorsa alla Hostaria, mangiando e felice della tua gentilezza.

still ongoing with the holiday, next week I go to Seville to find my friends.

Seville is also a very beautiful city, like where I'm at my house.

Look back soon to Rome, where are the happiest man in the world.

I'm half Italian, I can not live without Rome.

I must tell you that the Roman women are beautiful, elegant, are enamored of your beauty and your language.


A hug


Forza Italy!

Hasta las ovejas
Siete its expert in Windows 7. ConĂ³celas ¡!


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