Please note: On the premises of the Center for Families initiative Saluzzo Bars Educational

per stuzzicare l’appetito formativo fathers
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
from 18.30 to 20.00
the premises of the Family Center Saluzzo in Corso Mazzini 3 / A
for those
for those who want to learn more about "paternal mind, and experiential training program consists of and four evening meetings and addressed to fathers of children included in the range of preschool and primary school. Conceived in the name of pleasure is intended to stimulate moments of reflection on significant aspects of fatherhood in a light and effective.
To be clear, not the drink itself to be educational, but the content of the training course for fathers, which will be presented at that meeting, entitled " PATERNAL MIND. "
You can come if you're curious to know something about the path to be proposed, if you have a dry throat and in the categories above, if you do not fall but you're a passionate lover of fatherhood in the post-industrial or if you ... a mom and want to know more about the course you are about to enter your partner ...
Convinced that in a convivial and pleasant it is easier to reflect, share and learn, the course is innovative in its general aims to develop some aspects of the relationship between father and children.
Fathers non si nasce, si diventa ; ecco perché proponiamo un percorso in cui più che da imparare c’è molto da condividere, da sperimentare e da comprendere. L’aperitivo stuzzica l’appetito, noi speriamo di stuzzicare in chi si unirà a noi il 26 ottobre il desiderio di essere dei buoni padri in una società complessa. Convinti che dall’incontro di più esperienze nasca sempre un valore aggiunto inatteso, la proposta sarà di scoprirlo insieme con alcuni incontri che inizieranno poi a novembre 2010, ai quali chi vorrà potrà iscriversi.
Il percorso è promosso dal Comune di Saluzzo e dal Consorzio Monviso Solidale; sarà condotto dal dott. Saverio La Porta, Trainer and Counsellor, an expert on educational processes in education.
We're waiting for you and ... brings a friend.
Who is offered
from ' Association of Parents " the Spark"
Who is conducted
by Dr. . Xavier La Porta , Trainer and Counselor, an expert on educational processes in education, in cooperation with the EP Roberto Colombero , trainers and educational contact the Center for Families Savigliano
if you want to know more
To learn more you can contact the operators of the Families of Saluzzo tel. 0175-211441 Email: (Tuesday and Thursday from 16.30 to 18.30). Or 0172-710827
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