I leave an idea, a thought that becomes more and more current, which invites us to change style of life, to improve relations between people and ourselves to integrate more with nature.
I am increasingly convinced that we need change and will not be easy to get to this point.
Ivan Illich in the reconstruction of fellowship, that I invite you to read, saying "the man will regain the joy of sobriety and austerity liberating relearn to live together, to depend on the initiative of the other who knows, rather than being slave energy and all-powerful bureaucracy. " So
to begin?
One suggestion is given to us by the movement decrease it speaks of regola delle 8 R che sono: rivalutare, ricontestualizzare, ristrutturare, rilocalizzare, ridistribuire, ridurre, riutilizzare, riciclare. Tutte insieme possono portare, nel tempo, ad una decrescita serena, conviviale e pacifica.
RIVALUTARE : Rivedere i valori in cui crediamo e in base ai quali organizziamo la nostra vita,cambiando quelli che devono esser cambiati.
L’altruismo dovrà prevalere sull’egoismo, la cooperazione sulla concorrenza, il piacere del tempo libero sull’ossessione del lavoro, la cura della vita sociale sul consumo illimitato, il locale sul globale, il bello sull’efficiente, il ragionevole sul razionale. Questa rivalutazione deve poter superare l’immaginario in which we live, the values \u200b\u200bof which are systemic, ie they are aroused and stimulated by the system, which in turn contribute to strengthening.
recontextualize : Modify the conceptual and emotional context of a situation, or point of view that it and lived, so by completely changing its meaning. This change is necessary, for example, the concepts of wealth and poverty is even more urgent to scarcity and abundance, the "diabolical couple" founder of the imaginary or loss. The current economy, in fact, transforms the natural abundance in scarcity, artificially creating shortages and need through the appropriation of nature and its commercialization.
RESTORE : Adjust according to the changing values \u200b\u200band economic structures of production, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. How much longer will this radical restructuring, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
relocalization : Eat mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be reduced to a minimum, avoiding the costs of transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
REDISTRIBUTE : Make sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfactory job and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "give more".
REDUCE : Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, personal hygiene, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
REUSE: Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, functional to the society of consumption, obsolescence of
objects and the continuous "power to the new."
RECYCLE : Recover tutti gli scarti non decomponibili derivanti dalle nostre attività.
Autore: Serge Latouche
Certo non sarà facile ma penso che sia indispensabile per noi e per i nostri figli.
Allora cosa possiamo fare? Iniziamo dalle cose piccole. Facciamo piccoli sforzi quotidiani migliorando la nostra vita. A natale rinunciamo a qualcosa per stare con gli altri, per riscoprire il vero dono dell'essere presenti e attenti al prossimo, non avremo il telefono nuovo, ma saremo sicuramente più felici.
Buon cammino a tutti.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Horse In Latin Plural
Fabrizio Maurizi (UNMIS) to Verona!
Mazoom Le Plaisir & Rensi
special guest
Fabrizio Maurizi (ai piu conosciuto come dj Roger) nasce a Bologna città che da sempre trova appassionati e seguaci della scena Techno di Detroit un perfect place to grow up in musical terms. After a quick run-up started introducing his music in the rave, but thanks to the excellent feedback received from the public and the unique nature of the DJ sets can earn various console thickness in his country. Richie Hawtin, thanks to him Fabrizio was minimal at first approached the world as a simple but passionate listener as the beat the all conquering this has turned into a lifestyle in a desire to be minimal. Through this involvement he leaves after 10 years of piano studies to dedicate himself to music software, starting of course by excellent backing tracks. Completely mesmerized by the low, low, and loves to combine the funky exploration and guidelines obscure techno and everything in combining percussive vocal samples sometimes extreme make everything unique and inimitable. Fabrizio certainly be DJing in the blood, she drives the dancefloor from darkness to light and vice versa, offering his music for long periods in continuous ascent / descent uniting bassline "thick" components in analog and rhythmic pounding. Motivated by dreams of youth decides to send his music to Richie, felt that it might be too ambitious for him and instead has fully entered the big family .. MINUS
Leopold Barracks (Fort Pastrengo)
Resorts' telegraph 6
Pastrengo (VR)
////////////////////////// //////// /////////
LEDIO: 3420732513-3488811399
Mazoom Le Plaisir & Rensi

special guest
Fabrizio Maurizi (ai piu conosciuto come dj Roger) nasce a Bologna città che da sempre trova appassionati e seguaci della scena Techno di Detroit un perfect place to grow up in musical terms. After a quick run-up started introducing his music in the rave, but thanks to the excellent feedback received from the public and the unique nature of the DJ sets can earn various console thickness in his country. Richie Hawtin, thanks to him Fabrizio was minimal at first approached the world as a simple but passionate listener as the beat the all conquering this has turned into a lifestyle in a desire to be minimal. Through this involvement he leaves after 10 years of piano studies to dedicate himself to music software, starting of course by excellent backing tracks. Completely mesmerized by the low, low, and loves to combine the funky exploration and guidelines obscure techno and everything in combining percussive vocal samples sometimes extreme make everything unique and inimitable. Fabrizio certainly be DJing in the blood, she drives the dancefloor from darkness to light and vice versa, offering his music for long periods in continuous ascent / descent uniting bassline "thick" components in analog and rhythmic pounding. Motivated by dreams of youth decides to send his music to Richie, felt that it might be too ambitious for him and instead has fully entered the big family .. MINUS
Leopold Barracks (Fort Pastrengo)
Resorts' telegraph 6
Pastrengo (VR)
LEDIO: 3420732513-3488811399
Monday, December 6, 2010
Viking Ship Diagrams With Labeled Parts
Sabato 11 dicembre alle ore 16:30 nella ludoteca "LA TANA" di Saluzzo presso il Centro Famiglie in via Mazzini 3/a ci sarà la Christmas party of the "Spark " .
will be an opportunity to know each other better and to show the reality of the associations in the area through a video.
There are moments of entertainment and activities for all children !!!!!!!!!!! We will also
a Christmas card with a small buffet which will complete the day.
We wait !!!!!!
Sabato 11 dicembre alle ore 16:30 nella ludoteca "LA TANA" di Saluzzo presso il Centro Famiglie in via Mazzini 3/a ci sarà la Christmas party of the "Spark " .
will be an opportunity to know each other better and to show the reality of the associations in the area through a video.
There are moments of entertainment and activities for all children !!!!!!!!!!! We will also
a Christmas card with a small buffet which will complete the day.
We wait !!!!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sample Confidentiality Clause To A Letter
[[[ Murder by Death A NEW YEAR]]]
at: Barracks Leopold
Fort Pastrengo (VR)
The Murder by Death is a role playing game that combines a meal. Do not want to anticipate too much the game is essentially the merger of two role-playing games known around the world, "guess who" and "Risk" The public, between courses, witness scenes that culminate in yellow with a crime . At this point the audience is asked to cooperate with investigations to identify the culprit, the method and the motive of the murder. Different environments, engaging stories, capturing the attention of guests in a series of events and emotions until the final reach. Be careful, because the murderess could be you or your best friend or your girlfriend!
Following the music of DJ's and Le Plaisir Mazoom Rensi boat.
-------------------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------------------- ----- ----------
Call to Ledio 3420732513-3488811399 or send email to

[[[ Murder by Death A NEW YEAR]]]
at: Barracks Leopold
Fort Pastrengo (VR)
The Murder by Death is a role playing game that combines a meal. Do not want to anticipate too much the game is essentially the merger of two role-playing games known around the world, "guess who" and "Risk" The public, between courses, witness scenes that culminate in yellow with a crime . At this point the audience is asked to cooperate with investigations to identify the culprit, the method and the motive of the murder. Different environments, engaging stories, capturing the attention of guests in a series of events and emotions until the final reach. Be careful, because the murderess could be you or your best friend or your girlfriend!
Following the music of DJ's and Le Plaisir Mazoom Rensi boat.
Call to Ledio 3420732513-3488811399 or send email to
Alternatives To Adderoll Fish Oil
ilMuretto vs Cocorico!
*** *** NEW YEAR 2010/11
Scaligero Castle VILLAFRANCA
SEISMIC houses directly from the two clubs in a number ITALY:
Andrea Arcangeli
(resident dj titillates, Cocorico 'Riccione)
Giuliano Veronese
(resident dj the wall, Jesolo )
ATTENTION: presale Shipping also by the Italian post office within 2 working days for customers who contact me from outside Verona.
TELEPHONE Ledio 3420732513 - 3488811399

*** *** NEW YEAR 2010/11
Scaligero Castle VILLAFRANCA
SEISMIC houses directly from the two clubs in a number ITALY:
Andrea Arcangeli
(resident dj titillates, Cocorico 'Riccione)
Giuliano Veronese
(resident dj the wall, Jesolo )
ATTENTION: presale Shipping also by the Italian post office within 2 working days for customers who contact me from outside Verona.
TELEPHONE Ledio 3420732513 - 3488811399
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pinky Gets Toes Sucked
buying group solidarity ... Let's talk! The trees speak to us
In September one of us has already been launched in the first experiment of collective purchase of organic pasta, which, despite some small initial misunderstanding, I think it was a success.
This experiment was possible thanks to the Solidarity Group Acuisto "Barbasso rate", an association Villafalletto, which allowed us to append to his order, but unfortunately their is an annual purchase and so until next September if he can not repeat!
As some families have already asked when there will be another order ... Well, I think it's time to try to sit around a table and try to understand if there is a will here in Saluzzo to try to create a buying group solidarity! (For those who do not know well What are Usergroups fair trade can go to read this post, published earlier this year)
I'd really like that the invitation was extended to those who are not oriented towards the center and the family play center because I believe that, at a time of economic and social crisis, it is very important to try to engage in joint initiatives as many citizens as possible, so I invite all those reading this to spread the word among friends and colleagues! We
Thursday, December 16 at 17.30 in the playroom. Saluzzo Corso Mazzini 3 / a.
In September one of us has already been launched in the first experiment of collective purchase of organic pasta, which, despite some small initial misunderstanding, I think it was a success.
This experiment was possible thanks to the Solidarity Group Acuisto "Barbasso rate", an association Villafalletto, which allowed us to append to his order, but unfortunately their is an annual purchase and so until next September if he can not repeat!
As some families have already asked when there will be another order ... Well, I think it's time to try to sit around a table and try to understand if there is a will here in Saluzzo to try to create a buying group solidarity! (For those who do not know well What are Usergroups fair trade can go to read this post, published earlier this year)
I'd really like that the invitation was extended to those who are not oriented towards the center and the family play center because I believe that, at a time of economic and social crisis, it is very important to try to engage in joint initiatives as many citizens as possible, so I invite all those reading this to spread the word among friends and colleagues! We
Thursday, December 16 at 17.30 in the playroom. Saluzzo Corso Mazzini 3 / a.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Gay Birthday Compatibility
's interpretation of drawings of trees cha Today our kids have done in the "den."
- small tree: it reveals a shy and introverted child.
- Tree large: denotes a person full of enthusiasm and openness to the outside.
- Tree drawn up: typical of a very imaginative child, as a dreamer.
- Tree drawn in the middle: a symptom of more self-centered behavior, characterized by the need to feel constantly in the spotlight.
- Shaft designed to bottom: typical drawings of young children. Reflects some degree of insecurity and a need for protection.
- with tree roots and reveals a strong attachment to the child's family, especially the mother, her lifeblood. This stable emotional relationship allows him to better address the problems.
- tree without roots, the relationship lacks balance of the earth, the life-blood (mother), then it is a child emotionally insecure and unstable.
- Tree with nest on the trunk, this too is a symbol of strong ties with the mother figure. The child needs to be followed in order to deliver the best.
- tree with fruit attached to the branches: it reveals a child's very generous, outgoing, full of good feelings, and ready to give help in return for affection.
- tree with fruit in the canopy suspended: in this case, however, an individual insecure, perhaps even melancholy.
- Tree with flowers and mushrooms at the base of the trunk: the sensitivity is the main characteristic of these children espousing usually a harmonious relationship with family and with nature.
- Tree with flowers and butterflies: most items in the drawings of girls. Show a strong aesthetic sense and a good dose of the romance.
- tree with branches along the trunk, most often drawn by children, are the symbol of growth and development of sexuality.
- Tree with falling leaves: the falling leaves expressing sadness, the child who draws them probably has a very sensitive nature, is a subject that feels so il bisogno di essere continuamente rassicurato.
- Albero con foglie singole sui rami: esprimono un carattere attivo, intraprendente, con tanta voglia di fare.
- Albero con sole vicino: come per il test della casa, il sole rappresenta simbolicamente la figura paterna. Quando è presente vicino all’albero potrebbe esprimere il bisogno di maggiori attenzioni da parte del padre.
Anche la scelta del tipo di albero ha un significato ben preciso, soprattutto quando si tratta di alberi poco comuni (cfr. Bibliografia)
- Abete: simbolo della festa natalizia, esprime un forte attaccamento del bambino alla famiglia e alle sue tradizioni. Denota un bisogno di protezione, ma anche un grande affetto e una forte generosità. Questi bambini amano giocare da soli e, di fronte alle difficoltà, tendono a scoraggiarsi facilmente.
- Cipresso: si tratta di un bambino timido e riservato, con uno spiccato senso del bello.
- Salice piangente: esprime un carattere molto determinato, non disposto a farsi sottomettere e on la voglia di emergere in ogni situazione.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Compression Garments For Burns With Silicone
European Week for Waste Reduction
Andando a bere un caffè al bar o semplicemente passeggiando per Corso Italia in questi giorni, l'argomento sulla bocca di tutti è sempre lo stesso... La raccolta porta a porta della spazzatura che dall'inizio months of help include all municipalities participating in the Consortium Services and Environment and therefore we citizens Saluzzesi ... I must say that the comments are all sadly negative: it seems that the garbage is extremely comlicato divide, which use bags provided is impossible, take the garbage downstairs only on certain days is much more complicated than throw it in the bin when we feel the need .... and above all it seems like comparative Saluzzo in Naples!
E 'hearing all these voices of protest that came to my mind to speak of the European Week for Waste Reduction, upcoming events in Italy and Europe in recent days (November 20 to 28).
There are many Italian municipalities that have joined with iniziative diverse tutte volte alla promozione di azioni sostenibili per la prevenzione dei rifiuti e alla diffusione della coscienza dell'impatto che hanno i nostri rifiuti sull'ambiente.
Ma non sono solo le pubbliche amministrazioni ad essere chiamate in causa, anche i singoli cittadini possono impegnarsi in questi giorni in azioni che abbiano lo stesso scopo, e qui potete trovare alcuni esempi.
La mia proposta è questa: nei prossimi giorni proviamo a non vedere solo il lato negativo della raccolta porta a porta e impegnamoci a cercare di far vedere anche ai nostri concittadini che è sempre facile lamentarsi, ma che non sempre c'è una vera ragione nella lamentela.
Personalmente oltre a questo impegno, come sempre do la mia disponibilità a raccontare, a chi è interessato e incuriosito, la mia esperienza con i Pannolini Lavabili e la mia partecipazione al gruppo Non Solo Ciripà , gruppo spontaneo di genitori di tutt'Italia che condividono la mia stessa passione.
A tal proposito ricordo che chi è interessato a saperne di più, trova in ludoteca del materiale informativo e mi può chiedere direttamente tutte le informazioni del caso. Se ci fosse qualche curioso giovedì 25 sarò a Caraglio alle 17.30 a raccontare alle mamme la mia esperienza e a fare loro una piccola lezione sul mondo dei pannolini lavabili.
Andando a bere un caffè al bar o semplicemente passeggiando per Corso Italia in questi giorni, l'argomento sulla bocca di tutti è sempre lo stesso... La raccolta porta a porta della spazzatura che dall'inizio months of help include all municipalities participating in the Consortium Services and Environment and therefore we citizens Saluzzesi ... I must say that the comments are all sadly negative: it seems that the garbage is extremely comlicato divide, which use bags provided is impossible, take the garbage downstairs only on certain days is much more complicated than throw it in the bin when we feel the need .... and above all it seems like comparative Saluzzo in Naples!
E 'hearing all these voices of protest that came to my mind to speak of the European Week for Waste Reduction, upcoming events in Italy and Europe in recent days (November 20 to 28).
There are many Italian municipalities that have joined with iniziative diverse tutte volte alla promozione di azioni sostenibili per la prevenzione dei rifiuti e alla diffusione della coscienza dell'impatto che hanno i nostri rifiuti sull'ambiente.
Ma non sono solo le pubbliche amministrazioni ad essere chiamate in causa, anche i singoli cittadini possono impegnarsi in questi giorni in azioni che abbiano lo stesso scopo, e qui potete trovare alcuni esempi.
La mia proposta è questa: nei prossimi giorni proviamo a non vedere solo il lato negativo della raccolta porta a porta e impegnamoci a cercare di far vedere anche ai nostri concittadini che è sempre facile lamentarsi, ma che non sempre c'è una vera ragione nella lamentela.
Personalmente oltre a questo impegno, come sempre do la mia disponibilità a raccontare, a chi è interessato e incuriosito, la mia esperienza con i Pannolini Lavabili e la mia partecipazione al gruppo Non Solo Ciripà , gruppo spontaneo di genitori di tutt'Italia che condividono la mia stessa passione.
A tal proposito ricordo che chi è interessato a saperne di più, trova in ludoteca del materiale informativo e mi può chiedere direttamente tutte le informazioni del caso. Se ci fosse qualche curioso giovedì 25 sarò a Caraglio alle 17.30 a raccontare alle mamme la mia esperienza e a fare loro una piccola lezione sul mondo dei pannolini lavabili.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Giant Skeletons Found
Adults and children Venita to play in the woods with us to playroom, "LA TANA " core families Saluzzo in corzo Mazzini 3 / a in Saluzzo November 20, 2010 !!!!!!!
Activities will continue until January, every Tuesday and Thursday from 16:30 to 18:30 for families with children from 0 to 7 years
offered by:

Monday, November 1, 2010
How To Build A Snowmobile Deck For Truck Box
Vi segnaliamo a Saluzzo presso il Centro Famiglie l'iniziativa PATERNA-MENTE percorso formativo esperienzale...
Sono proposti quattro incontri for :
Membership is open to all dads.
're a dad, a father, a master's father, a dad, a mom, in a crisis or a super neopadre popes participating in this initiative ....
I Four meetings of the training course "PATERNAL MIND" will not have a teaching style but self-education in order to regain possession of the fathers of their inherent power to be effective in the report with their children.
Paterna-mind is sponsored by the Center City families Saluzzo Saluzzo and Solidarity
Monviso Consortium is led by Dr. Xavier La Porta expert trainer and counselor of the educational process.
Tuesday 25/11/2010 Cine Forum from 21:00 to 23:00
INFO: Center Families Saluzzo Via Mazzini 3 / a tel 0175/44864 (Tuesday and Thursday 16-18:30) or Roberto Colombero 0172/710827 Email: progetti.sav @ Entry fee € 20
Vi segnaliamo a Saluzzo presso il Centro Famiglie l'iniziativa PATERNA-MENTE percorso formativo esperienzale...
Sono proposti quattro incontri for :
Membership is open to all dads.
're a dad, a father, a master's father, a dad, a mom, in a crisis or a super neopadre popes participating in this initiative ....
I Four meetings of the training course "PATERNAL MIND" will not have a teaching style but self-education in order to regain possession of the fathers of their inherent power to be effective in the report with their children.
Paterna-mind is sponsored by the Center City families Saluzzo Saluzzo and Solidarity
Monviso Consortium is led by Dr. Xavier La Porta expert trainer and counselor of the educational process.
Tuesday 11/11/2010 the art of being with the father and pull ' period from 21:00 to 23:00
Tuesday 18/11/2010 Indiana Jones and the father Benedict 21:00 23:00
Tuesday 25/11/2010 Cine Forum from 21:00 to 23:00
Tuesday 02/12/2010 from 21:00 win-win at 23:00
INFO: Center Families Saluzzo Via Mazzini 3 / a tel 0175/44864 (Tuesday and Thursday 16-18:30) or Roberto Colombero 0172/710827 Email: progetti.sav @ Entry fee € 20
Friday, October 22, 2010
Lifespan Of A Person With Vasculitis
zucchini noodles
This This recipe is very interesting because it is gluten free and ideal for children because it is a wonderful way for children to eat vegetables. And for its quick preparation.
Ingredients: 1 zucchini
2 clove crushed garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil Salt
2 tablespoons' water
Cut the zucchini with a guitar or a vegetable preparation manual. It should come in the form of noodles.
Heat oil and garlic in a pan, add zucchini and mix. Add the Parmesan and water and let cook until the "dough" is the point. Retiro and add Parmesan and behold, zucchini noodles!
This This recipe is very interesting because it is gluten free and ideal for children because it is a wonderful way for children to eat vegetables. And for its quick preparation.
Ingredients: 1 zucchini
2 clove crushed garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil Salt
2 tablespoons' water
Cut the zucchini with a guitar or a vegetable preparation manual. It should come in the form of noodles.
Heat oil and garlic in a pan, add zucchini and mix. Add the Parmesan and water and let cook until the "dough" is the point. Retiro and add Parmesan and behold, zucchini noodles!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Employment Rate At Cadburys
DRINK EDUCATION October 26, 2010
Please note: On the premises of the Center for Families initiative Saluzzo Bars Educational
Please note: On the premises of the Center for Families initiative Saluzzo Bars Educational

per stuzzicare l’appetito formativo fathers
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
from 18.30 to 20.00
the premises of the Family Center Saluzzo in Corso Mazzini 3 / A
for those
for those who want to learn more about "paternal mind, and experiential training program consists of and four evening meetings and addressed to fathers of children included in the range of preschool and primary school. Conceived in the name of pleasure is intended to stimulate moments of reflection on significant aspects of fatherhood in a light and effective.
To be clear, not the drink itself to be educational, but the content of the training course for fathers, which will be presented at that meeting, entitled " PATERNAL MIND. "
You can come if you're curious to know something about the path to be proposed, if you have a dry throat and in the categories above, if you do not fall but you're a passionate lover of fatherhood in the post-industrial or if you ... a mom and want to know more about the course you are about to enter your partner ...
Convinced that in a convivial and pleasant it is easier to reflect, share and learn, the course is innovative in its general aims to develop some aspects of the relationship between father and children.
Fathers non si nasce, si diventa ; ecco perché proponiamo un percorso in cui più che da imparare c’è molto da condividere, da sperimentare e da comprendere. L’aperitivo stuzzica l’appetito, noi speriamo di stuzzicare in chi si unirà a noi il 26 ottobre il desiderio di essere dei buoni padri in una società complessa. Convinti che dall’incontro di più esperienze nasca sempre un valore aggiunto inatteso, la proposta sarà di scoprirlo insieme con alcuni incontri che inizieranno poi a novembre 2010, ai quali chi vorrà potrà iscriversi.
Il percorso è promosso dal Comune di Saluzzo e dal Consorzio Monviso Solidale; sarà condotto dal dott. Saverio La Porta, Trainer and Counsellor, an expert on educational processes in education.
We're waiting for you and ... brings a friend.
Who is offered
from ' Association of Parents " the Spark"
Who is conducted
by Dr. . Xavier La Porta , Trainer and Counselor, an expert on educational processes in education, in cooperation with the EP Roberto Colombero , trainers and educational contact the Center for Families Savigliano
if you want to know more
To learn more you can contact the operators of the Families of Saluzzo tel. 0175-211441 Email: (Tuesday and Thursday from 16.30 to 18.30). Or 0172-710827
Monday, October 18, 2010
Usb Ide Cable Toronto
kitchen from the world ... I cevapi
With the bad weather we close at home and often spend Sundays to find something to entertain children ... is a good time to dust off the memories of summer holidays and look for something that impressed us.
Personally I'm very curious and when vado in giro mi piace sperimantare un po' tutte le novità che mi si presentano... soprattutto quelle culinarie!!
Quest'estate siamo stati in Croazia e, tra le altre cose, ho assaggiato i Cevapici: una specie di polpetta/salsicciotto che piace un sacco anche ai bambini, che può diventare un'ottima variante al solito hamburger e che vi può aiutare a trovare un modo per far pasticciare i bimbi nelle noiose domeniche di pioggia (meglio farlo con le mani pulite eh...)
La ricetta l'ho mutuata da ... io ho variato un po' gli ingredienti e ho usato solo macinata di manzo e al posto del lardo ho usato della pancetta a dadini che avevo in casa frullandola con il frullino to dive (and I've come good the same )....
Ingredients for 4 people
• 200 grams of chopped beef
• 200 g minced lamb meat
• 200 g lean pork mince
• 100 g of lard well beaten
1 onion, finely chopped • 1 cup white wine (optional) • Salt
• Plenty of pepper
Preparation Mix all ingredients in a bowl, working with your hands.
Ricavatene cylinders the diameter of a finger, cut into long pieces about seven cm (cooking them reduced to five).
Place the cevapcici obtained on the grill is already hot (it would take the charcoal, but also the electrical grid or the plate is good), leave them until they become very dark and have issued almost everything their fat.
will be turning them from time to time.
Serve with plenty of raw onion sliced \u200b\u200bnot too thin and / or ajvar sauce (red pepper raw, ground and mixed with chopped garlic, olive oil, a little vinegar).
Accompany with steamed vegetables.
With the bad weather we close at home and often spend Sundays to find something to entertain children ... is a good time to dust off the memories of summer holidays and look for something that impressed us.
Personally I'm very curious and when vado in giro mi piace sperimantare un po' tutte le novità che mi si presentano... soprattutto quelle culinarie!!
Quest'estate siamo stati in Croazia e, tra le altre cose, ho assaggiato i Cevapici: una specie di polpetta/salsicciotto che piace un sacco anche ai bambini, che può diventare un'ottima variante al solito hamburger e che vi può aiutare a trovare un modo per far pasticciare i bimbi nelle noiose domeniche di pioggia (meglio farlo con le mani pulite eh...)
La ricetta l'ho mutuata da ... io ho variato un po' gli ingredienti e ho usato solo macinata di manzo e al posto del lardo ho usato della pancetta a dadini che avevo in casa frullandola con il frullino to dive (and I've come good the same )....
Ingredients for 4 people
• 200 grams of chopped beef
• 200 g minced lamb meat
• 200 g lean pork mince
• 100 g of lard well beaten
1 onion, finely chopped • 1 cup white wine (optional) • Salt
• Plenty of pepper
Preparation Mix all ingredients in a bowl, working with your hands.
Ricavatene cylinders the diameter of a finger, cut into long pieces about seven cm (cooking them reduced to five).
Place the cevapcici obtained on the grill is already hot (it would take the charcoal, but also the electrical grid or the plate is good), leave them until they become very dark and have issued almost everything their fat.
will be turning them from time to time.
Serve with plenty of raw onion sliced \u200b\u200bnot too thin and / or ajvar sauce (red pepper raw, ground and mixed with chopped garlic, olive oil, a little vinegar).
Accompany with steamed vegetables.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Lamisil Erectile Dysfunction
easy lemon mousse
Mescolare bene il succo del limone con il latte condensato ed una volta ben mescolato amalgamare bene con la panna...ed ecco la mousse di limone !!!!
Ecco una ricetta facile per una festa, mousse al limone, veloce, pulito e mmmm....buono.
Ingredienti ( per 12 persone):
-Il succo di 6 limoni piccoli o 3 grandi (o arancie o mandarini)
-2 lattine piccole di Latte intero condensato (se preferite poco dolce usare 1 o 1 e mezza)
-1 spray di panna
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
How Long Charging New Camera
Vi segnaliamo a Saluzzo, presso il Centro Famiglie di Saluzzo, via Mazzini 3/a, lo sportello di consulenza per genitori separati condotto dal Dottor Paolo Guerci, Psicologo, Psicoterapeuta- Mediatore famigliare SIMEF.
Lo sportello di consulenza si rivolge ai genitori separati offrendo brevi consulenze in merito alle difficoltà derivanti dai conflitti conseguenti alla separezione.
Ecco le date:
19/10 dalle 16 alle17:30
02/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
16/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
30/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
14/12 dalle Alle17 16: 30
for INFO:
Center Families of Saluzzo : 0175/44864 (Tuesday and Thursday 16:30 to 18:30) Filomena Marangi : 0172-710822
Vi segnaliamo a Saluzzo, presso il Centro Famiglie di Saluzzo, via Mazzini 3/a, lo sportello di consulenza per genitori separati condotto dal Dottor Paolo Guerci, Psicologo, Psicoterapeuta- Mediatore famigliare SIMEF.
Lo sportello di consulenza si rivolge ai genitori separati offrendo brevi consulenze in merito alle difficoltà derivanti dai conflitti conseguenti alla separezione.
Ecco le date:
19/10 dalle 16 alle17:30
02/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
16/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
30/11 dalle 16 alle17:30
14/12 dalle Alle17 16: 30
for INFO:
Center Families of Saluzzo : 0175/44864 (Tuesday and Thursday 16:30 to 18:30) Filomena Marangi : 0172-710822
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
'floor Wiper' Exercise
UBUNTU ..... ....... Free and open source
Please note UBUNTU OPERATING SYSTEM FREE OPEN SOURCE AND be clear for people like me use it on an intuitive level it is a beauty !!!!!!
Hear what the word means:
Ubuntu takes its name from an ancient African word meaning humanity to others or I am what I am thanks to what we are all . The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world
Use it, test it in other words, do not miss the chance you'll love it!
Ubuntu is a free software operating system based on GNU / Linux It combines the stability, security e facilità di utilizzo. È perfetto per computer portatili, desktop e server e fornisce applicazioni adatte ad ogni esigenza, per l'uso in casa, a scuola o a lavoro.
Ubuntu è, e sarà sempre, libero e completamente gratuito . Non dovrete mai pagare alcun costo di licenza. Scaricate Ubuntu, usatelo e condividetelo con i vostri amici, familiari o colleghi di lavoro.
Installazione semplice e veloce
Tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno è contenuto in un solo CD , che grazie alla semplice installazione grafica vi permetterà di avere un ambiente di lavoro completo in appena 25 minuti ! Se non bastasse, oltre 20000 pacchetti software sono disponibili via internet, alla portata di un "clic"!
Please note UBUNTU OPERATING SYSTEM FREE OPEN SOURCE AND be clear for people like me use it on an intuitive level it is a beauty !!!!!!
Hear what the word means:
Ubuntu takes its name from an ancient African word meaning humanity to others or I am what I am thanks to what we are all . The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world
Use it, test it in other words, do not miss the chance you'll love it!
Ubuntu is a free software operating system based on GNU / Linux It combines the stability, security e facilità di utilizzo. È perfetto per computer portatili, desktop e server e fornisce applicazioni adatte ad ogni esigenza, per l'uso in casa, a scuola o a lavoro.
Ubuntu è, e sarà sempre, libero e completamente gratuito . Non dovrete mai pagare alcun costo di licenza. Scaricate Ubuntu, usatelo e condividetelo con i vostri amici, familiari o colleghi di lavoro.
Edizioni regolari
Il team di Ubuntu rilascia una nuova versione ogni 6 mesi , in edizione desktop e server . Questo significa che avrete sempre il software più innovativo che il mondo open source ha da offrire!Massima sicurezza
Ubuntu è stato progettato per essere sicuro al 100% . Gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza sono garantiti per almeno 18 mesi, che nelle versioni con supporto a lungo termine (LTS) diventano 3 anni per l'edizione desktop e 5 per quella server. Installazione semplice e veloce
Tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno è contenuto in un solo CD , che grazie alla semplice installazione grafica vi permetterà di avere un ambiente di lavoro completo in appena 25 minuti ! Se non bastasse, oltre 20000 pacchetti software sono disponibili via internet, alla portata di un "clic"! Pronto all'uso
Immediately after installing your system will be ready for use immediately !
edition desktop you will find a complete set of office applications, surfing the Internet and managing e-mail, graphics and entertainment!source:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Master Lock Combinations Finder
....... HOME FOR CHILDREN ........... DO IT YOURSELF .....
enthusiasm Taken together with the children, we designed a multi-storey house in order to play quietly .... A
the project has also helped Franco grandfather that has provided equipment and experience and any problems incurred over time, here's the pieces we built and painted ...
first step to obtain the material for the construction, pieces of plywood, glue, tempera e. ..... enthusiasm and good will.
Here are the piece of plywood "base" that we need.
Subsequently, this dimension of square cut out the various ..... that will form the first, second floor and attic.
This is the central plane (notice the cut in the middle that allows you to enter the walls).
walls have a special shape and fit together here they
these have already been stained and painted but the form it should have is this!!
Ed ora il tetto......................
Dopo averle dipinte, aspettato l'asciugatura e rifinite si passa al montaggio ecco alcune fasi
piano terra e primo piano
primo piano con scale a chiocciola
We have a lot of fun to build, idearla and involve various relatives, plus we play with great pleasure and attention, thinking that there was also work to build it.
Safe journey to all. Pre
info: lascintilla.saluzzo @ or Center Families Saluzzo.
Reproduction of the photos is reserved
Soon we will also of course the furniture produced from recycled material ...
enthusiasm Taken together with the children, we designed a multi-storey house in order to play quietly .... A
the project has also helped Franco grandfather that has provided equipment and experience and any problems incurred over time, here's the pieces we built and painted ...
first step to obtain the material for the construction, pieces of plywood, glue, tempera e. ..... enthusiasm and good will.
Here are the piece of plywood "base" that we need.
Subsequently, this dimension of square cut out the various ..... that will form the first, second floor and attic.
This is the central plane (notice the cut in the middle that allows you to enter the walls).
walls have a special shape and fit together here they
these have already been stained and painted but the form it should have is this!!
Ed ora il tetto......................
Dopo averle dipinte, aspettato l'asciugatura e rifinite si passa al montaggio ecco alcune fasi
piano terra e primo piano
primo piano con scale a chiocciola
We have a lot of fun to build, idearla and involve various relatives, plus we play with great pleasure and attention, thinking that there was also work to build it.
Safe journey to all. Pre
info: lascintilla.saluzzo @ or Center Families Saluzzo.
Reproduction of the photos is reserved
Soon we will also of course the furniture produced from recycled material ...
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